Sunday 9 March at 4pm


Choral music by Victoria, Gesualdo, Cozzolani, Bach, Schutz, Lotti & MacMillan

St Mary the Virgin Church , Wheatley OX33 1LZ

Join us for our concert in the St Mary the Virgin Church in
Wheatley for a contemplative and uplifting programme
of music from composers across the centuries.
Gesualdo & Victoria were born in the mid 16th century
and wrote exclusively for the Catholic church; Schütz, born
toward the end of the century, was by contrast
a Lutheran working in Dresden for much of his life.
Cozzolani’s inspiring works were written during her life as a
nun in Santa Radegonda, Milan. Moving on to the late
C17th Lotti spent much of his musical life in Venice,
although with significant associations with music in Dresden.
JS Bach needs no introduction as a devout early C18th
Lutheran, whereas James MacMillan’s contemporary writing
is deeply influenced by his Catholicism.
Whatever the source of inspiration, this will be a musical
experience to enjoy.

Bringing together those with a love of singing